Can Green Mold Kill You? Exploring its Impact on Your Well-Being


Did you know there are a hundred types of molds in the United States, and they may vary in color? If you own a home, you are probably familiar with mold sickness brought by black mold, but did you know that other mold, such as green mold, can cause illness, too? But can green mold kill you?  … Read more

The Ultimate Guide: Can You Wash Microfiber Cloths Without Ruining Them?


Microfiber cloths are efficient cleaning tools that magnetize dirt, dust, and tiny particles to the rag. They make cleaning your home much easier and more efficient. Made of millions of nylon fibers and polyester, microfiber cloth is a powerhouse for cleaning that works better than regular cotton cleaning rags. But while microfiber cloths do the … Read more

Everything You Need to Know about Using Baking Soda to Kill Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are one of the most disturbing and annoying pests you can find in your home. So, how can you kill them? Does baking soda kill bed bugs? While baking soda can kill bed bugs by penetrating and drying out their bodies, there’s no scientific evidence that it can instantly and completely exterminate these … Read more

The Top 10 Secrets to Keeping a Clean House as a Working Parent


Most of us don’t enjoy cleaning, but we love coming home to a clean and tidy house. However, keeping a clean house as a working parent isn’t always easy. On top of your workload, you’ve got laundry to deal with, meals to plan, and bills to pay. Keeping a clean house can get overwhelming real … Read more

What Is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), and Why Are They Polluting the Air in Your Home?


Whether you realize it or not, the air in your home is more than likely polluted with a volatile organic compound. You’re probably unaware of it because you get used to it after a while. Dust, pet dander and hair, smoke (from cooking or cigarettes), and daily use of cosmetic and household products pollute and … Read more

Does Baking Soda Kill Fleas? – Our Guide to Eliminating Fleas in Your Home


There are a lot of anti-flea products you can use to get rid of fleas. However, if you are unsure whether they are safe for your pets, family, furniture, carpet, etc., then you will want to kill them in the safest way possible. So, what is a secure way to kill fleas? Does baking soda … Read more

The Magic of Alcohol: Discover the Secrets of Using it for Crystal Clear Glass Cleaning!


Are you struggling to clean glass surfaces? Don’t fret because you are not alone. Keeping your glass items at home clean is challenging, especially around children and pets. Dirt, fingerprints, and smudges can be an annoying eyesore. So how can you clean these quickly and easily? Have you tried alcohol for cleaning glass? Alcohol can … Read more

Say Goodbye to Rust: Unleash the Power of Hydrogen Peroxide


Rust stains are unsightly and stubborn stains that are hard to ignore. They can occur anywhere, whether on your clothes, silverware, tools, etc. If you struggle to remove rust stains, have you tried hydrogen peroxide? Does hydrogen peroxide remove rust? Absolutely! Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleaning agent that can remove even the most awful stains. Its … Read more

The Mouse Exterminator: Unraveling the Truth About Baking Soda’s Mouse-Killing Abilities


Nothing is as disturbing and frightening as discovering that mice, rodents, or small critters have invaded your precious home. If this is one of your problems at your home, you are not alone. Studies have shown that 37% of homeowners in the United States have rodent problems. But how can you treat the mice problems … Read more

The Impact of Dirty House Air Filters on Your Health: Can They Make You Sick?


Do you frequently clean the house, yet it still doesn’t feel clean enough? Maybe the problem is in the air! House air filters are supposed to be the tools for providing the family with clean air. But what happens if the air filters are dirty? Can dirty house air filters make you sick? Yes, dirty … Read more