Say Goodbye to Rust: Unleash the Power of Hydrogen Peroxide

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Rust stains are unsightly and stubborn stains that are hard to ignore. They can occur anywhere, whether on your clothes, silverware, tools, etc. If you struggle to remove rust stains, have you tried hydrogen peroxide? Does hydrogen peroxide remove rust?

Absolutely! Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleaning agent that can remove even the most awful stains. Its bleaching and oxidizing powers result from its ability to form OHT radicals that can treat and remove stains. 

In this post, we will cover where hydrogen peroxide will remove rust and some tips to use it effectively. 

How Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust?


You can definitely use hydrogen peroxide to remove rust. Hydrogen peroxide is one the most popular non-toxic alternatives to cleaning problems that require harsh chemicals. For example, you can use it to whiten things instead of bleach.

Rust is an iron oxide wand. When applied to rust, hydrogen peroxide bonds with the iron and dissolves rust build-up. It, thus, removes rust by breaking off hydrogen particles and bonding them with iron oxide. This chemical process is called reduction.

The oxygen found in hydrogen peroxide is the “O” from rust when it forms. It means the mineral releases a layer of rust without breaking anything surrounding it.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust from Stainless Steel?

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent and thus can be used to remove rust from stainless steel. It is an excellent cleaner for cleaning stainless steel, especially in eliminating tarnish, debris, and rust.

For easy-to-remove stains, you can use diluted hydrogen peroxide. A high concentration of this solution is required for removing tough stains. If necessary, use protective gear like glasses and gloves when cleaning stainless steel for safety purposes.

Follow this guide to remove rust from stainless steel.

Things you’ll need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Water
  • Sponge or clean cloth
  • Stiff brush
  • Dry cloth


  1. Use a sponge or clean cloth to soak up the diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Rub the steel surface with a sponge or clean cloth to remove rust, dirt, grime, etc.
  3. You can use a stiff brush to get into crevices and grooves.
  4. Rinse the stainless steel with clean water and dry it using a dry cloth.

To learn other ways to naturally clean stainless steel, read our article – How to Clean a Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink Naturally (in 6 Steps)

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust from Porcelain?

Got a porcelain bathtub at home? Then, you must know about the struggle of keeping it beautiful and clean. Rust stains are considered the devil for any porcelain material at home.

So, if you struggle cleaning your porcelain sink, bathtub, or toilet, use hydrogen peroxide. Note: If necessary, use protective gear like safety glasses and gloves when using it.

Here’s how you can clean porcelain with hydrogen peroxide:

Things you’ll need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Water
  • Nylon brush or pumice stone
  • Dry clean towel


  1. Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the rust stains. Leave the solution for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Scrub the affected area with a nylon brush or pumice stone, whatever is available. You will see the rust stains coming off the porcelain quickly.
  3. Rinse the porcelain with clean water and dry it with a towel. 

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust Stains?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide can remove rust from metal. In fact, you can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean metal.

However, while the solution is generally safe on metal, it can cause corrosion on some metals, especially when exposed for a long time.

That said, it’s best to use hydrogen peroxide on corrosion-resistant metal. For safety purposes, limit the contact of metal and hydrogen peroxide. The best types of metal to clean hydrogen peroxide are aluminum and stainless steel.

Additionally, metals like zinc and copper are vulnerable to hydrogen peroxide as their encounter may cause discoloration. 

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust from Tools?

Absolutely! Hydrogen peroxide is famous as a remover of accumulated rust on tools. Are the bolts, screws, or any metal-type tools in the house rusty? It’s time to soak them in hydrogen peroxide.

If you intend to use hydrogen peroxide to clean and remove rust from tools, scrub them with a stiff brush. This way, you can remove the rust entirely.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust Stains from Clothes?


Yes, you can utilize hydrogen peroxide to remove rust stains from clothes. This solution wipes off the rust part as if the stain had never been there before. 

Follow this guide to remove rust stains from clothes:

Things you’ll need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Salt
  • Lemon
  • Baking soda
  • Cream of tartar
  • Water

Note: Each product can dissolve stains, but the resulting mixture makes a powerful rust cleaner when used together alongside hydrogen peroxide. 

Watch my video below showing how I remove rust from clothes using hydrogen peroxide.


  1. Put salt and lemon juice on the affected area first. Salt is a natural method to remove rust from clothes, while lemon juice cleans stains by eliminating the bacteria on clothes.
  2. Mix hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and cream of tartar to create a paste.
  3. Rub the paste on the stained area of the clothes. Leave the clothes for around 30 minutes.
  4. Put your stained clothes out under the sun and rinse with water once dry or after the stain is completely removed.

What Other Household Products Can You Use to Remove Stains?

Are you out of hydrogen peroxide? No problem! There are a lot of household products you use to remove stains, and most of them are already gathering dust in your pantry. 


If you want an easy solution to your rust problem, use vinegar. 

Just allow the rusty item to soak in vinegar until the rust starts to fall off. Afterward, scrub the rusty thing with a stiff brush. Repeat the process until there is no more rust.

Lemon & Salt

As mentioned, lemon and salt are famous for removing rust stains on clothes. Sprinkle the salt onto the rust stain and squeeze the lemon on top. Let the mixture sit for an hour or two.

Sand Paper

You can also use sandpaper to remove thick layers of rust. To use, rub the rusty area with coarse sandpaper. Once the rust starts to fall off, you can switch to a finer sandpaper to avoid damaging the metal underneath.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is also an efficient rust remover for hard-to-remove rust. Make a paste from baking soda and water and apply the mixture over the rusty item. 

Scrub the rusty area with an old brush. Leave the paste for an hour or two and rinse with water.

To learn more about removing rust with baking soda, read our article – Does Baking Soda and Vinegar Remove Rust?


As you can see, hydrogen peroxide is a valuable solution for many rusty items. It can remove rust from metal, stainless steel, tools, porcelain, clothes, etc. 

Thanks to its oxidizing properties, it makes our lives easier when removing rust from our household items. Follow our tutorials above to clean rust with hydrogen peroxide.

Although plenty of rust removers are available, hydrogen peroxide is safe, cost-effective, and the perfect alternative to expensive products that contain harsh chemicals. 

If you run out of hydrogen peroxide, use one of the alternative products above to remove rust.

Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t only remove rust; it can clean. Read our article Can Hydrogen Peroxide Clean Carpet? to learn how to use it to clean your carpet.
