The Remarkable Link Between a Clean House and Beating the Blues: How Tidying Up Can Help Fight Depression


Have you noticed being irritable or moody while your house is messy and dirty? Your home may have clutter because you don’t have time or are too busy to clean. However, a messy house is not beneficial for your mental state, while cleaning your home, according to studies, can improve your mental health in five … Read more

Rid Your Home of Mold: Learn the Mold-Killing Properties of Cleaning Vinegar


Are you searching the web for mold killers? Good news! You can safely remove unhealthy and unsightly mold with a simple ingredient in your pantry: vinegar! If you’re looking for a natural alternative to harsh chemicals, you can rely on cleaning vinegar to kill mold in your house. Over the years, cleaning vinegar has earned … Read more

The Truth Behind Green Cleaning Products: Are They Really Safe to Use?


Green cleaning products have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people are attracted to them because they are supposedly beneficial to the environment and health. But are green cleaning products really safe to use? The answer is a little complicated. In this blog post, we take a look at the safety of green cleaning … Read more

Say Goodbye to Pesticides and Dirt: Discover How Baking Soda Can Safely Clean Your Fruit


A healthy diet that involves more fruits offers many health benefits and nutrients. However, fruits can easily pick up dirt, wax, and chemicals. So, how do you clean fruit to ensure they are safe to eat? Is water enough? Or does baking soda clean fruit? It has long been advised that fruits must be rinsed … Read more

The Hidden Dangers of House Rats: Protecting Your Home and Family


House rats are unwelcome visitors to any household. They are damaging and destructive, creeping around and penetrating walls, electrical wiring, appliance lines, and insulations. On top of everything, these pests chew furniture items and urinate on things. Aside from being an annoying and unpleasant sight, rats are dangerous and pose serious health concerns to humans … Read more

Can Vinegar Clean Makeup Brushes? – Safely Take Your Makeup Brushes from Dirty to Pristine

Can Vinegar Clean Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes are vital tools for achieving a flawless, natural, and airbrushed look that will help you confidently face the day. However, dirty makeup brushes can wreck your skin and cause rashes and acne breakouts. To maintain a healthy complexion, ensure that your makeup brushes are clean. But how can you do so? Can vinegar … Read more

10 Non-Toxic Floor Cleaners: Our Guide to Floor Cleaning Products


We walk on our floor every single day. Hence, it’s not surprising that they become soiled and dirty. Sure, sweeping and vacuuming the floor can minimize the dirt. However, that may not be enough. It’s crucial to use floor cleaners, particularly non-toxic, to keep the house clean, fresh, and germ-free. Traditional floor cleaners mostly contain harsh … Read more