Yes, Your Clean House Can Get Fleas! Here’s What You Need to Know

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It is a common question – can clean houses get fleas? 

As it turns out, the answer is yes, clean houses can get fleas. While a clean house may seem inhospitable to fleas and their eggs, that is not always the case. 

There are a few things you can do to keep your home flea-free. Read on for tips on how to protect your home from these pesky critters!

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They are reddish-brown and have a hard, flat body. 

Each flea is about 1/8th of an inch long – about the size of a poppy seed. Fleas can jump up to ten centimeters high and one meter horizontally. That is about 200 times their body length.

How Do Fleas Reproduce?


Fleas are a pesky gang of creatures that cannot stay out of your pet’s fur. They usually hop around on their hosts, but it does not take long for them, and soon they will start producing their own. 

These insects need blood meals from dogs or other animals to produce eggs – and then between 20 and 50 new pests (or so) arrive every day.

Fleas are tiny parasites that live on pets like cats and dogs. They lay their eggs in the pet’s hair, where they remain until they hatch out of the furry shell two days to two weeks later – depending on temperature and humidity.

When fleas lay their eggs, it does not look like an adult insect. The larvae are small and white with wormlike bodies that have a brown head when mature; these creatures feed on organic waste to survive during their molting period, which occurs three times over several weeks before pupating for protection from outside influences (such as pets or other wildlife).

The pupae are cocoons that protect the developing flea. They are brown and about the size of a grain of rice. Fleas can stay in their pupal stage for several weeks before hatching as adults, but they usually only do so when they sense the vibrations of a host nearby.

When a flea hatches from its pupa, it is hungry and looking for blood. The newly hatched adult flea may remain in this state for weeks before hatching to feed on nearby hosts or mate with other sexually mature adults and start the cycle all over again.

Where Do Fleas Come From?

Fleas are annoying pests that are difficult to get rid of once they infest your home. Usually, these creatures enter our homes through pets or wildlife, and then you will find them laying their eggs wherever they can, such as in cracks between tiles near sinks!

The eggs develop into pupae, which eventually turn into adults when they hatch again. This time, however, there may already be hundreds or even thousands of tiny larvae around, waiting not only to make their way into the house but also to help the future newborns that come after them.

Are Fleas Harmful?

If left untreated, fleas can cause serious health problems. They are known to transmit tapeworms and other nasty diseases that can make your life unbearable.

As mentioned earlier, fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. They are found everywhere: in homes and outdoors, but they can also bite people or animals and cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, which in some cases lead to diseases such as H. pylori infections.

Some common diseases associated with flea bites are:

  • Murine Typhus: A disease that can be transmitted by fleas and causes fever, headache, and muscle pain.
  • Rickettsiosis: A terrible disease that fleas can also transmit. People who have it have symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, and a rash on the body or face.
  • Cat Scratch Disease: A terrible but rare infection that can be transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected flea. Symptoms include fever, headache, and muscle pain in the neck or back.

Can Fleas Be Harmful to Humans?

Fleas are more than just a nuisance; they are dangerous and can cause disease in both animals and humans. These tiny insects are carriers of diseases that can harm you or your pets, such as anemia caused by eating human blood.

In addition, fleas can also cause allergic reactions in some people who suffer from allergies. The most common effect of a flea bite is red, itchy bumps all over the body, but in some cases, they can also lead to more serious problems like allergic reactions or even infections.

Are Fleas Dangerous to Pets?

Pets need as much or even more care than people. If you have pets, it’s easier than you might think for them to get fleas. 

Dogs and cats often harbor fleas, transmitted from other animals or the environment. Once these pests get on a dog or cat, they quickly multiply into an infestation. A female flea lays up to fifty eggs per day; if you are not careful, your pet can be swarmed by pesky little biters that want nothing more than their host’s blood meal.

The only thing worse than a flea is an itchy, biting pet with summer sickness. If you have pets and they exhibit these behaviors, it could mean vermin are running around your home. Take care of them quickly so no one gets sick from their bites or scratches.

How Can Clean Houses Get Fleas?

Fleas can get in your home and multiply quickly if you have pets or visit areas where flea populations are high. Clean houses get fleas because they need warmth and carbon dioxide, which are naturally present in homes with humans as hosts. 

What Causes Fleas in a Clean House Without Pets?

One possible reason clean houses get fleas without pets is that people can bring them in with their clothes. Another explanation could be that you live near an area with wild animals like rodents or birds, that carry the pesky little creatures into your home through holes in your foundation or roof.

To learn how roaches enter your home, read our article – How Do Roaches Get into Your House?

Are Fleas a Sign of a Dirty House?

The answer is no. Fleas are not attracted to dirt, they enter your house for warm-blooded animals like your pets and you.

Do Fleas like Dirty Houses?

The misconception that fleas live only in dirty environments is false. As mentioned, clean houses get fleas, and these pesky little creatures can thrive anywhere. 

The life cycle of fleas depends on warm-blooded animals that harbor them, and they are attracted to carbon dioxide molecules found near humans or other animal hosts such as carpets.

Can Fleas Live on Vinyl Floors?

Fleas can live on vinyl floors. The reason they like this surface so much is that it is smooth, easy to scratch, and contains heat. Heat plays a big part in most environments where these pests thrive (including homes).

How Can You Tell If Your House Has Fleas?

If you notice any of these signs, there are likely fleas in your home. 

First, let’s look at what pets do when they have fleas: If they scratch or act like something is biting their skin, that could be a clue that there are indeed unwanted tenants living in the house. 

Another telltale sign is tiny black spots on furniture such as carpets, often in the form of flea droppings, which provide a clue to infestation.

How Long Until Fleas Infest Your House?

If you want to get rid of fleas for good, your home must not be cluttered with old pet toys. This includes dog toys left outside and chew toys with bite marks.

Mild infestations may only last two months, while severe cases can last up to six months, depending on how bad they are; however, both still do damage if left unchecked.

How Do I Prevent Fleas in My Home?


One of the best ways to keep fleas away is to keep your house clean. Although clean houses get fleas, a messy, dirty environment is an ideal harborage for these pesky insects that cannot only make you sick with their nasty bites but also damage your property value! 

Vacuum regularly and wash curtains often – and remove all pet hair before they bring more misery to our homes.

There are a variety of products that can help you prevent fleas in your home. Talk to your veterinarian about what is best to treat and prevent this problem, and follow the directions carefully so you do not accidentally hurt yourself or your animal friend.

To keep fleas out of your home, trim any nearby trees and bushes. Also, consider instituting a no-pet policy for guests who bring their pets when they visit.

How Can I Get Fleas out of My House?

 Here are a few things you can do to get fleas out of your clean house.

  • It is a good idea to vacuum your carpets and furniture regularly. This will remove any fleas in the home, including those on your pets.
  • If you discover fleas on your pet, use a comb to remove them. You should also wash all bedding and clothing in hot water to prevent them from carrying the pests around.
  • You can also use a natural or plant-based insecticide spray around your home to prevent fleas from entering.

What Kills Fleas Around the House?

Here are some things that can kill fleas in your house:

  • Vacuuming is a good way to remove pesky fleas from your home. Make sure you bag up all the dirt and throw it in an outdoor trash can, so the uninvited guests do not come right back when they leave the house.
  • If you have carpets or furniture infested with fleas, there’s a quick and easy way to get rid of them. Simply spray the items with a natural or plant-based insecticide available at most hardware stores – make sure not to miss any spots.
  • Be sure to treat any areas where your pets spend a lot of time. This includes things like their bedding, crates, and favorite spots with products made specifically for that purpose.

How to Get Fleas out of a House Naturally

Here are some simple ways to eliminate fleas in your home without resorting to harsh chemicals.

  • Investing in a good vacuum cleaner can help keep your home free of fleas and their eggs. Vacuum regularly to prevent infestations.
  • You can also use a flea comb on your pets to remove fleas that have taken up residence in their fur.
  • Keep your pet’s bedding clean and free of flea infestations so you do not bring fleas into the house.
  • Use baking soda to kill fleas. Read our article – Does Baking Soda Kill Fleas? to learn how.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in a House Fast

To get rid of fleas in your home quickly and naturally, start by vacuuming all the floors. Then, wash bedding regularly to prevent new fleas from hatching from the eggs, which will need even harsher treatments to be successful! 

Be sure to treat your pets with a natural or plant-based anti-flea product as well, so they do not bring the pesky critters into the house with them when they are out and about (or just running free).


Now that you know all about fleas and that clean houses get fleas – how they reproduce, where they come from, and the ways they can be harmful to humans and pets. It is imperative to recognize an infestation of these pests in your home as soon as possible so you can take the steps mentioned above to get rid of them.

Are you curious about what other insects can infest your home? Check out my post – Can Clean Houses Get Bed Bugs? to learn more about how to spot and eliminate them.
