Does Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Rust?: Find Out What It Can Do For Your Home’s Items


Rust stains are unsightly and stubborn stains that are hard to ignore. They can occur anywhere, whether on our clothes, kitchen utensils, etc. If you struggle to remove rust stains, you have probably tried many remedies, but have you tried hydrogen peroxide? Does hydrogen peroxide remove rust? Absolutely! Hydrogen peroxide is a great cleaning agent that can … Read more

What Is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), and Why Are They Polluting the Air in Your Home?


Whether you realize it or not, the air in your home is more than likely polluted with a volatile organic compound. You’re probably not aware of it because you get used to it after a while. Dust, pet dander and hair, smoke (from cooking or cigarettes), and daily use of cosmetic and household products pollute … Read more

The Rise of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Brands and Their Impact on the Environment


For environmentally-conscious people and consumers, seeing and hearing the words eco-friendly, environmentally friendly, green, sustainable, and eco-safe may get them to take notice of a product or service. And this is true for the cleaning industry, where some brands have established themselves as eco-friendly cleaning brands. Eco-Friendly refers to not harming the environment. So an … Read more

The Jewelry Lover’s Guide: Why Vinegar is a Must-Have Cleaning Solution


Is vinegar good for cleaning jewelry? Well, the short answer is yes. Vinegar is good for cleaning jewelry. It is a versatile multipurpose household item that can freshen up the look of your old and well-worn jewelry. Whether you want to clean your gold, silver, diamonds, stainless steel, or vintage jewelry, this natural cleaning solution … Read more

The Cost Debate: Unveiling the True Price of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products


Every year, you may come up with a list of New Year’s resolutions or goals. They may be something like saving money, losing weight and getting in shape, or even becoming more environmentally friendly. This year, it’s this last one that got me thinking about cleaning products. And this question came to my mind – … Read more

Baking Soda: The Secret Weapon for Keeping Your Clothes Fresh and Clean


Can I use baking soda in my laundry? Can baking soda clean clothes? Yes, you can use baking soda in your laundry, and it can clean and whiten your clothes while eliminating stains and odors. The Benefits of Baking Soda in Your Laundry Baking soda offers many laundry benefits due to its alkaline properties. It … Read more